Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Brads Are Here, Presale Extended until Oct. 1st!

I've picked up the brads! Take a look:

It's not the best picture in the world, but you can see them all. I'm still holding the presale for 10% off until October 1st. We hope to open our website by then. At that point, you can purchase individual colors to replenish your sets. I'm going to start counting the eyelets tonight and get them shipped out next week, hopefully Monday. This counting process won't take as long because I'm not counting them all, just enough to fill the paid orders.

I'm so excited!!

Don't forget to make a guess in our contest!


Michelle said...

They look delicious!

Angel said...

Please email me more details please...

aloera said...

I'd really like to get a 1/2 share. If you could send me the info that'd be great!