Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I am going to be counting the last, the very last, yippee, yay, super!!! color of eyelets this morning. Can I just say I dream in little spotted metallic circles? Oh boy!!

After the counting is finished, I'll pull out my trusty manilla envelopes and sort them all into sets. I hope to start packaging them for shipping this afternoon. I will ship the oldest first, in other words, those who paid first will get first shipping priority. I will post updates on the progress of this as well. I have nearly all of the sets sold, but I'll order more eyelets if there are more people interested. Feel free to tell your friends and fellow stampers, especially once you get these beauties in hand!

I really appreciate all of you who jumped on this ship early in the voyage and paid ahead to make this buy possible. It's been a long journey and you all have been so patient!

If you paid via PayPal, you will receive a delivery confirmation number e-mailed to you by PayPal.
OK, back to counting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woohoo! can't wait to get them :) and thanks for all your hard work in orgenizing and counting al these!